January 2015 Viewing Tally

13 January 2015

Last updated: 31 January.

29 features, 15 shorts, 33 at the cinema, 3 rewatches
+ one series (four seasons plus two specials)
+ 6 performance-projections

Cinema viewings are italicised
Rewatches are marked #
The top five first-time viewings of the month are marked
          Shorts are indented
For an explanation of ratings, see below

01. Rust and Bone. Jacques Audiard 2012 6/10 #
09. Two Rode Together. John Ford 1961 8/10
10. At Berkeley. Frederick Wiseman 2013 8/10
11. Lost Highway. David Lynch 1997 6/10 #
15. Angels With Dirty Faces. Michael Curtiz 1938 7/10
17. The Terminator. James Cameron 1984 9/10 #
19. American Sniper. Clint Eastwood 2014 5/10
22.     Transformers: The Premake. Kevin B. Lee 2014 7/10
22. La La La at Rock Bottom. Yamashita Nobuhiro 2015 5/10
22.     Bailu Dream. Nicolas Boone 2015 7/10
22. Conquering China. Johan Jonason 2014 7/10
22. The Boys From Fengkuei. Hou Hsiao-hsien 1983 7/10
22. Blackhat. Michael Mann 2015 5/10
23. White Coal. Georg Tiller 2015 7/10
23. No Place for Fools. Oleg Mavromatti 2015 3/10
23. The Sandwich Man. Hou Hsiao-hsien/Wan Jen/
          Zeng Zhuang Xiang 1983 7/10
23.     Internationale. Alexander Shein/Alexender Svetlov
          1971 6/10
23. Today. Esfir Shub 1929 6/10
23.     Square Stories Too. Salem Mekuria 2014 4/10
23.     The Bridge. Riaan Hendricks 2014 5/10
23.     Flies. Michael MacGarry 2015 6/10
23.     Excuse Me, While I Disappear. Michael MacGarry
          2014 6/10
23.     Epicura. Ori Huchi Kozia 2015 3/10
24. Bitter Lake. Adam Curtis 2015 6/10
24. Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter. Ana Lungu 2015 4/10
24.     Embargo. Johann Lurf 2015 8/10
24.     The Invention of the Desert. Thibault Le Texier
          2014 5/10
24.     Eyrie. Stephen Connolly 2015 4/10
24.     Iseeyou. Simon Gush 2013 7/10
24.     San Siro. Yuri Ancarani 2014 8/10
24. The Dark Horse. James Napier Robertson 2014 7/10
25. Catch Me Daddy. Daniel Wolfe 2014 5/10
25. Second Coming. Debbie Tucker Green 2014 6/10
25. Tokyo Tribe. Sono Sion 2014 7/10
26. Tired Moonlight. Britni West 2015 4/10
26. Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock
          and Roll. John Pirozzi 2014 7/10
26. The Project of the Century. Carlos M. Quintela 2015 3/10
26. Bridgend. Jeppe Rønde 2015 3/10
27. Growing Up. Chen Kun-hou 1983 8/10
27. Jade Miners. Midi Z 2015 6/10
28. Dreamcatcher. Kim Longinotto 2014 7/10 
28. Dust in the Wind [pictured]. Hou Hsiao-hsien 1986 8/10
28.     sound of a million insects, light of a thousand stars.
          Nishikawa Tomonari 2014 7/10 
28.     Zement. Bettina Nürnberg/Dirk Peuker 2014 7/10 

The Thick Of It Season One 10/10
The Thick Of It Season Two 10/10
The Thick Of It The Rise of the Nutters (x2) 10/10
The Thick Of It Spinners and Losers (x2) 10/10
The Thick Of It Season Three 10/10
The Thick Of It Season Four 10/10

23. Roto-Optics. Bruce McClure [1994-98] 8/10
23. How Tall Is A Man Whose Face is Thirteen Feet Wide.
          Bruce McClure [2004] 9/10
23. Nethergate. Bruce McClure [2005] 8/10
24. Red Marker Squish. Bruce McClure [1996] 6/10
24. Dithercumber. Bruce McClure [1998] 6/10
24. Jejeune Nouvelle Vague. Bruce McClure [1999] 7/10
24. Indeterminate Focus. Bruce McClure [1999] 8/10
25. Roto-Optics 2. Bruce McClure [1994-98] 7/10
25. Cremator. Bruce McClure [2001] 8/10
25. Presepe. Bruce McClure [2003] 6/10
25. Chiodo. Bruce McClure [2003] 7/10
26. Divorce American Style. Bruce McClure [2000] 7/10
26. The Southern Star Passes Without Pressure.
          BruceMcClure [1998] 7/10
27. Roto-Optics 3. Bruce McClure [1994-98] 7/10
27. Pie Pelicane Jesu Domine: Flies Leisurely Over the Sea.
          Bruce McClure [2008-10] 9/10
27. Pie Pelicane Jesu Domine: Insecure Of Footing Their
          Beaks Are Too Soft to Inflict a Wound.
          Bruce McClure [2008-10] 9/10
27. Pie Pelicane Jesu Domine: Through Some Trick of
          Nature It Appears. Bruce McClure [2008-10] 9/10
28. Eccentric Circles. Bruce McClure [1978] 6/10
28. Three Frame Manifesto: Lazkoa Dyke.
          Bruce McClure [2000] 7/10
28. Epater Les Badauds. Bruce McClure [2000] 6/10
28. Congin Our Gregational Pom-Poms.
          Bruce McClure [2009] 7/10

Grades are designed to have a level of flexibility and fluidity. A 7/10 grade, for example, means that at worst I like the film, at best I really like it. A 6/10 means that I liked the film at best, and at worst I had major qualms, but wouldn't say I disliked it. Etc.

10/9 Among best seen; 9/8 Loved it; 8/7 Really liked it; 7/6 Liked it; 6/5 Major qualms, but didn't dislike; 5/4 Disliked it; 4/3 Strongly disliked it; 3/2 Hated it; 2/1 Among worst seen.